'Value' a five letter word may give a new dimension to your life. We realised it in the morning when our Team Leader asked to define five values of ourself that matters a lot in our life. Our reactions were so strange. This is for the first time when I found myself an alien( person having no knowledge about himself/ herself). Because I have never given thought to analyze my self. Today I realized the importance of self analysis and the value of values in my life. Person without values is just like the fish without water or life without love or sun without light or mission without vision and so on.
After a long battle with the clutter of thougths in my mind, finally I discerned that my life is useless without having these following values in my life:
1. Sincerity
2. Dedication
3. Self Esteem
4. Respect
5. Courageous
Though we all know that Values are priceless. We cannot buy them but today we got the golden opportunity to bid for values. After trying hard I succeeded in buying two values which I never wanted to loose.
True values are your real treasure. If you have not started hunting for your real treasure then you are a looser. So this is my suggestion to you all start giving value to your values.
After a long battle with the clutter of thougths in my mind, finally I discerned that my life is useless without having these following values in my life:
1. Sincerity
2. Dedication
3. Self Esteem
4. Respect
5. Courageous
Though we all know that Values are priceless. We cannot buy them but today we got the golden opportunity to bid for values. After trying hard I succeeded in buying two values which I never wanted to loose.
True values are your real treasure. If you have not started hunting for your real treasure then you are a looser. So this is my suggestion to you all start giving value to your values.