Every time my office had to make international calls, we would either fret over the rising phone bills or opt for cheap calling through Skype, a service only some tech-geeks in my office are familiar with.
I, on the other hand, didn’t bother myself too much with trying to understand technology. So I would just call up the operator and ask me to connect to the international number that I needed to call… optimistically thinking that my boss wouldn’t notice the skyhigh bills… or even if he does, wouldn't link it back to me ;)
Though Skype, Fring, Nimbuzz were all names that I was familiar with, I really didn’t care much about them till I actually went on to the Nimbuzz website one day – http://www.nimbuzz.com/
The first thing that hooked me onto the site were the vibrant colours (me being not the techie sorts, as I mentioned earlier)… but as I spent about five minutes of my precious time there, I actually figured out that it was totally worth it!! The product completely hooked me to it… so much so that I typed in my cell number on the website (something which I’ve never done before) through which I could download its Mobile version.
I, on the other hand, didn’t bother myself too much with trying to understand technology. So I would just call up the operator and ask me to connect to the international number that I needed to call… optimistically thinking that my boss wouldn’t notice the skyhigh bills… or even if he does, wouldn't link it back to me ;)
Though Skype, Fring, Nimbuzz were all names that I was familiar with, I really didn’t care much about them till I actually went on to the Nimbuzz website one day – http://www.nimbuzz.com/
The first thing that hooked me onto the site were the vibrant colours (me being not the techie sorts, as I mentioned earlier)… but as I spent about five minutes of my precious time there, I actually figured out that it was totally worth it!! The product completely hooked me to it… so much so that I typed in my cell number on the website (something which I’ve never done before) through which I could download its Mobile version.
In very simple terms for other laymen like me, it is a way through which I can make international calls for free (I’ll only have to pay for the net on my phone) and also aggregate all my instant messengers (I’ve got only gmail and yahoo accounts) on one! But really good for people who work across 4-5 IMs in one go! One thing what I also liked in it over Skype is that its completely free… and as far as my understanding goes, Skype is not (please correct me if I’m wrong here). But it wouldn’t be wrong to say that I got completely hooked onto Nimbuzz in just one visit.
Would recommend it to all my tech-crazy friends!!! J maybe we can now look at another alternative to saving phone costs in office… one that I enjoy… :)