It is said needs are the mother of all inventions and innovations. History is replete with such examples of inventions and innovations. Who can forget Albert Einstein and Aryabhatta. They gave shape to human civilization with their scientific creations. Needs will continue to tumble and there will be Einsteins and Aryabhattas in all ages.
One such need of humans today is to untie lives from their laptops or personal computers. They want instant connection to their desktops even on borrowed machines found on the rear seat of a plane or in a hotel room. They are able to do it now with the help of virtualization - it eliminates hardware constraints and take businesses to the next level.
Virtualization is a means to facilitate humans and computers with resources the moment they need them. Nivio, an online desktop, fulfills this need.
Nivio is a virtualization suite of licensed software applications from providers like Microsoft and Adobe among others. Hosted on a high performance, high reliability computing grid, it removes the need for constant system updates to keep up with software changes and free people from being tied to just one PC.
Nivio offers a user an enthralling experience of virtual computing. It is like working on one’s own PC whenever one logs on to Nivio (www.nivio.com) through his unique username and password from any location around the world.
The basic idea behind this technology is to allow better manageability, cost reduction and consolidation by increasing agility, reducing space requirement and carbon footprints, through reduction in power utilization for equipments.
1 comment:
Thank Richa for a great review.
Would be great to get some feedback from you.
Sachin @ teamNivio
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